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2024 Health Insurance Open Enrollment

It’s that time of the year! 

Open Enrollment for health insurance in Minnesota is November 1 - December 15th for health insurance coverage effective January 1, 2024. MNSure has an extended enrollment from December 15 - January 15th for coverage effective February 1, 2024

Anderson Benefit Partners can help you find out if you qualify for assistance, explore your options, and enroll! We are
MNSure certified and works with over 250 individuals and families to obtain their coverage through MNSure.

Important to note, you don’t pay any more (or less) when you work with us! Our job is to help you understand your options and make the right insurance choice for 2024. This is also a great time to explore your dental, vision, and life insurance needs.

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End of COVID Public Health Emergency


Hey there friends at the Salon Spa Association, Mike at Anderson Benefit Partners here. I wanted to put together a message for you that speaks to the end of the COVID public health emergency.

As you may or may not know, that formally ends as of May 11th. And in Minnesota Minnesota has started the unwinding process of the guaranteed public programs that have been in play since April of 2020.

So beginning in April, communication will be sent out for medical assistance renewals. Renew in July and then every month you know, May would target August, and so on and so forth. If you are one of the 1.5 million people in Minnesota that are currently enrolled in a public program, action will be required to renew your coverage.  Medical assistance will renew the month it was approved and Minnesota care will renew at the end of this year during our regular open enrollment period for January 1st.

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